
Showing posts from October, 2020

Organ Donation

 What would exist when you doesn't ? What would remain after your heart stops pumping ? Just think for an instant what if you were in a confused state of mind and passed by running hurriedly on a main road and hit by a car or a lorry. What if you were lost your legs, hands or to the very next level of damaging your head or indeed you lost your nervous system which is, your brain stopped working. The imagination itself is worst isn't it ? That's probably how many lost few of their organs. And also few of the girls lost skin and outer beauty through few acid attacks and the list goes on.... But for some of our softhearted people its difficult to visualize. You know all of us are so blessed to have a complete life with all the benefits nature have given us. Some have the thought that "why should I be the only one to donate" and some, like so selfishly and egotistically say that their loved one's body is so precious that it shouldn't be burned into ashes or th...