Organ Donation

 What would exist when you doesn't ? What would remain after your heart stops pumping ?

Just think for an instant what if you were in a confused state of mind and passed by running hurriedly on a main road and hit by a car or a lorry. What if you were lost your legs, hands or to the very next level of damaging your head or indeed you lost your nervous system which is, your brain stopped working. The imagination itself is worst isn't it ? That's probably how many lost few of their organs. And also few of the girls lost skin and outer beauty through few acid attacks and the list goes on.... But for some of our softhearted people its difficult to visualize.

You know all of us are so blessed to have a complete life with all the benefits nature have given us. Some have the thought that "why should I be the only one to donate" and some, like so selfishly and egotistically say that their loved one's body is so precious that it shouldn't be burned into ashes or they don't accept for cremation and wants to be buried preciously. Oh please, its something or probably the best gift you've ever got that doesn't mean you will take back once you will die. 

The biggest and saddest thing is to see is yourself physically handicapped and that happens with most of them nowadays. Just have a thought for one who is not able to talk/see/walk properly. When you have that one advantage of giving someone a good life once you are dead then definitely feel lucky to use it. And once your soul gets separated from your body, what will the body do? Let your donation help someone to achieve goals, to live a sustainable life. You have that one great power right now to present life to someone. You won't take neither money you earned with, food you crave for nor the body you lived with while you pass away. You know when you earn an extra penny one day that extra penny isn't for you but for the one who isn't having it. When you donate your organs or anything you have, you will be definitely remembered by the person who is receiving it.

And now, for all who are interested to know about Organ Donation;

Organ Donation is the process when a person allows his/her own organs to be transplanted to others, legally, either when the donor is alive or dead. Some common transplantation's include kidneys, heart, skin, cornea (which is eye), liver, pancreas, lungs, bones, intestines. Coming to lungs, lungs are highly vulnerable towards any injury so they are very difficult to preserve. Most of you may have a doubt regarding the transplantation of brain. Let me briefly say that brain tissues will be helpful for few experiments in laboratories but can't be transplanted wholly. A partial part of the brain can be transplanted which is through few nerves regarding limbs. And coming to heart which have to be donated when the donor is alive for end stage of heart failure patients.And yes, as we were   all discussing about organ transplantation the world organ donation day is celebrated on august 13th every year.

Coming to blood donation, it can be done every 112 days. For all those having rare blood groups it is more helpful for the person needed. 

Just ending this by marking you are not asked to donate when you are alive but what is the advantage for just burying or cremation instead of that, see that when once you are dead donate your organs and save others life. For that, follow the process from the above. And, a happy donation to you guys :)πŸ˜ƒ




  1. Best writing about the importance of orgon donation.
    Your understanding about the call is awesome.
    Keep it up.

  2. Nice, it's very important information

  3. Asome innovative immersive blog good job trisha

  4. GREAT πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  5. Nice Chinna πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ good information

  6. π™΅πšŠπš—πšπšŠπšœπšπš’πšŒ πŸ˜‡πŸ‘Œ


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