The Art Of Patience.

Staying patient is the prior step for staying positive.

We get annoyed, we cry, we get frustrated. And, this happens with everyone! That is the thing firstly everyone has to normalize without any gender discrimination. Everyone have their own problems, their own worries etc.., and putting all of these aside, those who sit down and think for a moment that yes there is a solution they tend to find out what exactly is wrong with them. Everybody can't stay focused right after they are waved off by these pressures. And, it's OKAY to take time for yourself. Some of them need to understand everyone are not the same. Some take time to heal themselves and can heal by their own. Some need the help of the fellow mates in order to get back to normal. All you need to know is that it's fine to be either the way. 

 Whatever the situation might be, you get to accept as it is and patient find for a solution. It is said that decisions made patiently become the wisest ones. In fact, its the truth. So look at an empty way now, for that path to be smooth you need to clear all the large trees and garbage thrown along way. Then only its so beautiful to witness the path and walk through right? And, ones you clear all these will the bushes stop growing large again? In the same way, your life has its own path with all the stress, pressure and pain. When you have to make your way smooth you have to sit think patiently and wisely and don't except its going to be your last time you are going to take pressure. Like the way bushes grow into trees and the path becomes irregular again, your mental tensions and stress will come again and again. Think what will make you better tomorrow not what makes your life even more worse and indirectly, we all do the same. 

You think,act and experience, and this should be the simplicity of life. Honestly, its not that simple as we think of. Problems arise on every point you think, and you don't get immediate results. Now, focus on self-awareness. Firstly pay attention to everything that arises inward yourself. Secondly, notice where you are feeling stressed. Thirdly, listen to what your thoughts say. Fourth, remember what you are going through. Finally I'll leave all of your thoughts with the questions you need to ask yourselves
- How can I become more patient to myself?
- What does it exactly mean to be patient with myself?
- What is the benefit of staying patient?

Think! I hope you can answer yourself well. May your inward peace stay calm.😇


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