These days, mental illness has been so easy going to people and they don't actually care. They often delay, avoid taking measures to this stuff. 

This is 21st century! Do we have to remind every now and the about this? Wake up! There are things mentally which has to be done when you are a part or at least contribute anything to mankind. Media representations, influencers, bloggers everyone are trying their level best to improve the worlds' mental health. Stigma is a very dangerous thing which can be affected even to your loved ones because of your behaviour. It is be very important for everyone to know the mental status of your health. It is very important for the people around to not to spread all the negativity which is really very bad. It involves negative attitudes which can be discrimination, racism. And few can be affected by themselves which is feeling shameful, negative thoughts about their own self. Everybody are the same. People with stigma might be cured. But it is really important to educate all of this. It effects a lot, people tend to loose hope on themselves, peoples' esteem upon them might be lowered, they tend to loose socialization, they stop, their mental health really turns out to be the worst at times. They will stop understanding people. The only thing which can stop all of this mental illness, stigma is being just the way you behave with a normal person. They tend to relax and their stigma reduces. Those with stigma, need the world to socialize and share their stories. And please remember, some of the words you speak really matter the most. With the way you speak, there can be a lot of difference in ones life. Might it be positive/negative. They turn worse psychologically. Encourage equality. Speak openly about the topics which has to be fought for. Educate about the issues. All these leads to a better world, a world where everyone has to be placed happily, a world where everyone find that mental peace and space. Be brave! Mentally a person can be disturbed by the ways of racism, discrimination, sexuality, gender, colour, religion, caste. 

There are movies which show these kinds of discrimination attitudes. Educate yourself and people around for these useful needs. Use google for the good.



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