Everything is in you.

 Happy heart is directly proportional to Happy brain. Keep your heart clean, pure which makes your soul happy, eventually. Happy Life leads to a positive one.

The main thing I visioned onto while thinking of this topics was, why/what makes a human from not being happy. Then down the way, I jerked at a point of these unnamed category of feelings namely regret, ego, unsatisfied mentality, or maybe guilt. These are all so natural but the very important tip that I suggest and I do follow would be, don't take time on these things, spend time to be happy. Take time onto things that make you happy. Take time to people who make you happy on a first place. When you sit down and keep thinking about the above mentioned feelings, you tend to loose nothing but yourself. You naturally accustom these feelings but take a maximum of 2days to get out of it (considering a very extreme pain). I would like to remind that everyday is a new day and everyday you get a chance to be happy. The only golden rule I do follow and suggest is this. Some of them do even think why should one be happy. For them, you are successful once you are happy, you are wealthier and healthier once you are happy, you live long once you are happy; if all of this is important to you then happiness is important too. 

Now moving on, the next thing that arisesed in my head was ' how am I recovering from myself everyday from this '. Believe me, I do have something or the other running in my head each and everyday but what do I do, whenever I'm tensed I call someone any of my friend, my siblings or anyone. I speak about why am I so tensed and I then I feel relieved. The major problem you go through everyday is tension/anxiousness and you're not the only one. In order to this, I need to be super happy. What if I have no one or everyone I wanted to talk to is busy that day, I go talk to a counselor. Therefore, I spoke to one of my counselors recently so he gave me this beautiful advice "spend time with what you love, and enjoy the process". Since then I never turned back. Trust me. Approaching a counselor has nothing to do that if you are mentally ill. NO. You wanted support and there they are. 

Staying happy depends on many aspects such as regarding relationships, regarding career, regarding success etc. Regarding relationships, I can say you get what you give. If either of them isn't working then it's not for you. Coming to career and success I was told, having short term goals is the way to get the happier you. It is not that you shouldn't have long term goals but short term goals make you less anxious. Compartmentalizing things make lives easier. "Small steps in the right direction is all you need."

Some of the positive and important traits which can cut down the bad vibes around would be love, gratitude, creative, calm, satisfaction and patience. I preach what I follow and I follow what I preach. 



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